Monday, August 31, 2009

i've decided

to expect nothing, and to live frugally on surprise.

headed into the school year that's what i am hoping for.
i want to be surprised.
i am going to do what i am suppose to.
not worry.
stop trying to figure it all out.
just live.
take advantage of the time i have before i start driving.
study hard.
enjoy the sunshine.
be one with the earth :D
do it because i want to.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


"the moment I let go of it was
the moment I got more than I could handle
the moment I jumped off of it was
the moment I touched down"

Thank You
Alanis Morssette

to the woman who calls me girly girl:

i looooooove you.
i hope you had a good week.
i missed you at church this morning.
you're still in my prayers.
& don't worry things will get easier.
Philippians 4:13
check it out,
i bet Bob already knows and can find comfort in it too.


so tell me that you love me, for the first time it makes me feel alive.

i hope full heartdely for your future plans.
the imagination away impossibly around the corner.
i linger to love tasting sweet like summer air.
the definite desire to reach the side of the country.
i believe truly beneathe all that nonsense.
the possible forshadowing pondering near.
i know you'll know yet again.
the beautiful beach calls with more color to capture.

for this long.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

i wanna write my name in the sky

& nothing is stopping me.
believe it.

-inspiration of the day
misty lovelady :D

torrent glenn

beautiful" doesn't only describe your body or your face, it's a description of you as a whole, of your maturity and growth given less than a year, your propensity to love, your compassionate concern even at the cost of your own comfort and your devotion to friends and loved ones

so, i'm in love with the boy who wrote this.
it won't change.
whoever says that distance is the deal breaker.

torrent glenn
whaddda babe.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

we talked about.

yes, my favorite verse.
we talked about it in bible class tonight.

psalms 46:5
God is within her, she will not fall.
God will help her at the break of day.

Three Cups of Tear by Greg Mortenson

When your heart speaks, take good notes - Judith Campbell

The way i see the book
a man's mission that took on a vision of its own…
The stupendous story that helped me see change in the world around us.
A triumph that over blew a failure.
The theme throughout of compassion.
An overcoming outcome that helped cultural division.

The way I see the action
A man's mission that took on a vision of its own….
The promised privilege that a school would be built.
A character contributing to the step of outreach.
The encountered endurance to reach an internal goal.
A steady step introducing anyone can do it one cup of tea at a time.

The way I connected
A man's mission that took on a vision of its own….
The wonderful way one starts the change he wishes to see.
A sudden stop to see the beauty of a flower.
The discovered direction that was new and unfamiliar.
A vivid vision that poured peace.

The way I see the man
A man's mission that took on a vision of its own…
“The man is not one of us”
A ceased climb of introduction to a humanitarian.
The devoted dad that took death threats.
A persistent plead to see the family left behind.
The generous giver that opened his own doors.
A firm fighter believing that education will bring prosperity.

Balti proverb“The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time, you are an honored guest. The third time you become family.”
if there's a skeeter on your peter wack it off.

-that's the life with two little boys.

it's coming to an end.

Monday, August 24, 2009

one minute # 6

you use to be so different.
i'm glad you're not the same.
i am NOT sorry for NOT hating myself.
i need some work.
but, so do you.
children amaze me.
i wanna dance.
& walk the beach with you.
please remember.
why do you do that?!
i wish you didn't live so far away.
i'm out of incense, shit!

you are beautiful


i'm still Billie Jo.
you're still Shannon.
we're still friends.

Happy Birthday.

P.S i'm glad you still know that i'm different from all the rest.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


pink to pinky, nose to nose, friends forever, as we grow.
so, my lovely sister in Christ.... tomorrow you are going back to law school and i am praying that you will have a better day than expected. you are beautiful and you shine in my world just like a big sister should. I hope that with this year you'll find surprises and turns that are unexpected, because those unexpected turns are the ones that God holds true to with all His strength and wisdom. Trust Him in all you do and He will make this year worth it. I hope the best to you and will look forward to wednesday and sundays more than i ever have. hopefully on occasion we can take a walk together, even if it is through the phone. You are beautiful just the way you are. no matter how many little fights we get into or how close we come to slipping on the sister promise i will always be here to love you and grow with you.

love you, sweetcheeks.
hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, and hugs.

p.s: the thing your drew on my wall still makes me laugh.

foolishness is my favorite

one mintue #5

boy, shut up and take a walk with me.
i want the real deal.
i cant believe ive never been to the beach with you.
i wanted to see you, so i did.
i loved my day today.
i hate that i want it.
i hate hating.
maureen is beautiful; i wish she was a part of my life more.
the Lord changes people.
i'm sorry school sucks for you.
smile, it makes your face prettier.
if you dont like it change it.
i love the beach.
fuck, i miss arizona.

walk home

The double shaded grey sidewalk underneath.
Borrowed music whistleing.
sunset backdrop.
change of pase.
wonder of accomplishment.
smiles spreading at the rate of noise.
eye lash batts.
lust appears.
she's let her fear escape.


shit happens.
never ask you to take pictures again.
he cared.
you love.
it'll last.
good best friend.
look at the stars.
staring contests.
you do know what i mean.
i like them black and milds.
you know how to get close to people.
kiss her.
eyes open.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dear Lord

thanks for answering my prayer yet again.
the friendships you bless me with are nothing short of amazing.
you are ooooh so beautiful.
thanks for it all!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

you'll know it's for you when you see it....

the way we found each other through common character and bouncy bright sides.
the way of scattered patterns.
the we you laugh to press through the toppling tap of the dance of life.
the way of an admirable mother.
the way i have hope that one day you're the one that will understand the way i see the picture.
the way of love from above.
the way we are will always say sunshine.

-love you m.z, ha and one day m.k

tell me

you say one thing and do the other.

no what,
we all have at one point.

a little effort from us all would make that happen a little less.
i do understand, and i forgive you.


its you and me till the end.

we fight, joke, we laugh, we disagree.
in the end we're still sisters.
i love you.
thanks for the craziness.