Sunday, August 23, 2009


pink to pinky, nose to nose, friends forever, as we grow.
so, my lovely sister in Christ.... tomorrow you are going back to law school and i am praying that you will have a better day than expected. you are beautiful and you shine in my world just like a big sister should. I hope that with this year you'll find surprises and turns that are unexpected, because those unexpected turns are the ones that God holds true to with all His strength and wisdom. Trust Him in all you do and He will make this year worth it. I hope the best to you and will look forward to wednesday and sundays more than i ever have. hopefully on occasion we can take a walk together, even if it is through the phone. You are beautiful just the way you are. no matter how many little fights we get into or how close we come to slipping on the sister promise i will always be here to love you and grow with you.

love you, sweetcheeks.
hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, and hugs.

p.s: the thing your drew on my wall still makes me laugh.

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