Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Three Cups of Tear by Greg Mortenson

When your heart speaks, take good notes - Judith Campbell

The way i see the book
a man's mission that took on a vision of its own…
The stupendous story that helped me see change in the world around us.
A triumph that over blew a failure.
The theme throughout of compassion.
An overcoming outcome that helped cultural division.

The way I see the action
A man's mission that took on a vision of its own….
The promised privilege that a school would be built.
A character contributing to the step of outreach.
The encountered endurance to reach an internal goal.
A steady step introducing anyone can do it one cup of tea at a time.

The way I connected
A man's mission that took on a vision of its own….
The wonderful way one starts the change he wishes to see.
A sudden stop to see the beauty of a flower.
The discovered direction that was new and unfamiliar.
A vivid vision that poured peace.

The way I see the man
A man's mission that took on a vision of its own…
“The man is not one of us”
A ceased climb of introduction to a humanitarian.
The devoted dad that took death threats.
A persistent plead to see the family left behind.
The generous giver that opened his own doors.
A firm fighter believing that education will bring prosperity.

Balti proverb“The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time, you are an honored guest. The third time you become family.”

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