Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i only say that cause i care....

Thank you God for answering the littlest prayers...
today was the best day i've had in awhile. i mean i've had a lot of amazing days, but today meant a great deal.
i had a really great conversation with mrs.bush. she's a great person and i'm very happy to have her in my life. we haven't known each other for too long, but today we really connected. i've loved her from the start, there was just something about her that made me smile... and today actaully having a real conversation with her i know that what i felt from the start has just grown into so much more. i know that our relationship will grow... and i'm proud to say that my prayers were answered today.
i'm a happy little camper =)

YEEP and i get to go to bible class tonight!
wicked excited.


Anonymous said...

You are too sweet! Remember, it is true, I would not say something that I did not mean, I say things because I care.

Billie Jo Gray said...
