Thursday, September 18, 2008


"GOD, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference.

Living ONE DAY AT A TIME; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace...." *Reinhold Neibuhr

I'm not going to lie...

last year was a rough start to highschool...and even before that... i basically thought there was so much more important things to life than school... socializing was my life.

this year! i'm the same Billie Jo with a whole different perspective. i was put in classes this year that reflected my efforts of last year ( the capable, but not willing Billie Jo). I took a stand and knew i could do better, thanks to my life changing summer. I am now in higher levels and difficult classes. yes, it's a true challenge, but today i applied myself... and i did it. i came out strong.

* having a positive attitude changes everything.... don't just trick your mind into thinking positive... actually believe it.

if you're reading this thinking yea, okay.... that works for you.. but whatever. STOP! take my word for it... and believe. life isn't always easy... but trust me you'll live.

God doesn't give you things you are unable to handle!

" believe in yourself and all that you do. believe in the goals that you strive to pursue. believe in the friends that believe in you too, forever and always believe." ( from a card my mother gave me)

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