When I walk; I gasp at hope of the world
Inside my soul expressions explode rapidly and music enters the wasteful world.
Gathering souls to help me on my expedition for the the dance of my desires.
As the winter's sun beams without the warmth, I am constantly reminded within of the complete bliss of what is to come.
Selfishness is something I believe we all need to work on.
People pass and second glance as I share my smile with them.
A pictures perfect day held in the hands of my imagination;although; I think I can handle it.
The sun is sinking deeper into the horizon like it's drowning in the water surrounding my feet.
High hopes fly in the soul driven sky, in the canvas I've been told is painted.
Of all the wondered walks I always seem to end up with sand I'm my shoes.
Prerogatives change through the years, and lately my ideas are far from narrow.
Expectations dwindle a little more each time i walk back from the waves that never, never roll in the same each time.
Orange has decided to join, bringing the aroma of warmth into the air.
Fighting for love with the thanks to mother nature is how i made it through these part few days.
The lessons I learn the hard way hold strength and wisdom; you know what they say,you have to be young and crazy to become old and wise.
Holding on is hard; however, having faith that things are going to get brighter makes my smile hold strong.
Emotional connections to the world release as I sleep at night.
Wondering if it is a good thing that i don't remember them all.
Oh the beautiful idea that yesterday's tomorrow is today, starts the morning off oh so sweetly.
Raising my hands with participation to give helps me get through the day.
Late in the afternoon I take my walk and reminisce on existing memories.
Doing a relaxing routine, even if it is just my feet hitting the pavement is something guiding me to dig deeper into the present, and helping me live for now-no longer for the past or for the future-only for the beats of myself and the world.
By: Billie Jo Gray
This is an Acrostic Poem...
Each first letter, of each line creates a word
and where the spaces are begins a new world.
Creating... "I gasp at hope of the world"
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