Monday, March 23, 2009

went with my friend to get her nails done today.

she's indian(from inda)
i'm white
and the people's buisness we went to were korean, i believe.

we turned on Ellen Degenerous and we all started laughing. a lady was in there who looked at us all weird. i felt like she was judging. esp. the people who owned the business.
i found it rude.however, smiled her way.

& what really matters is that i'm proud of how i've learned to not look at people differently. maybe we all do at one point or another, but today i wasn't looking at someone differently because of their race.
i was engaging with them with excitment of life, something beautiful... LAUGHTER!
& honestly, if you can't do that... you should work on it.
it's a great be with different cultures, but all sharing one common thing... the ability to laugh at something FUNNY.

C'mon... why pass an opportuiny to make life a little bit more enjoyable!
just because people look different, doesn't mean they are.

God bless

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