Sunday, September 21, 2008


have you ever wondered why?
asking why gets you wondering, asking again gives you an answer, asking again gets you deeper, and asking again gives you the truth.
my global teacher was trying to teach us a new way to put more thought in our writing. he asked a question looked at you, you said why, then the person behind you answered what they thought. then, the person behind them said why, and the person behind that person answered what they thought. the whole class went and we got so into thought and when it came down to it there was so much detail behind the answer why.
it was a fabulous class lesson.

today i wondered...
what is it about someone that makes you miss them?
i went on and on and on...
coming up with an answer then asking why again...
& i think the true answer to me is...
when you love someone enough you can't help but miss them. even when they're with you the feeling within you is so full of warmth that you're never wanting it to leave.
the smile on your face and the tears of happiness in your eyes are maybe because you actually wonder why do i have them to miss? you're caught up on how lucky you are to have been given someone you love, that touched you enough that you can say " i miss you."
to me missing someone is the greatest love.
it's showing that person that they mean something to you... deep within. =)

i may be mistaken, don't get me wrong... but to me... this is how i feel.

anyways, today was nice. i hung out with both my sisters. it was nice seeing and getting to spend time with them. i love them so much. although, i am terribly sick and it hurts even to talk i can't complain about today because it was amazing.

at the end of today, i wasn't feeling too good. then, cara came to the rescue. she is someone i look up to with no end. she has given me so much love and encouragment that not having seen her for a little bit makes me sad. i miss her a lot... and if there was any way i could see her i would. just to give her a hug she deserves. i even received a letter in the mail from her today... then got to talk to her. i was overwhelmed with the love from her. she is a true,true blessing to me. if you were to ask me at least one person who's had an amazing impact of my life and touched me so deeply it would be her.
i hope she knows that having the experience of meeting her was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
" she's the type of person i feel like the whole world should know..." ( coming from a paper i wrote about her)
you pump me up everytime i think about how greatful i am to know and have someone like you in my life. i love you cara, i really do.

thank you God for giving me people to miss, and for giving me people who love me enough to miss me.
that's a true blessing in itself....

1 comment:

Cara said...

ohhhhh dearrrrrr way to make me a sobbing MESS my darling!!! i could never put into words how fantastically perfect it was to read this tonight. my heart's been heavy this evening and God totally shined right through that entry of yours, thank you so much for your love. i am undeserving; YOU are a blessing to ME. by the way, i completely agree wtih you about the true meaning of missing someone. loving that i can honestly say with all teh love i've got, I MISS YOU, TOO. *hugs*