Thursday, April 30, 2009

she believed she could

so, she did.

if you can learn from someone else's mistake
taking away less pain and difficulty in your life.
then, why the hell not do it?

yes, sure, it's good to make your own mistakes.
however, listenin' to someone else's story.
where you just might learn the littlest thing to make it easier,
the next time something hard comes in your life
shouldn't that mean that you should do it?


don't be stubborn when your afraid.
don't not have the guts to conquer something you fear.

take it like this:
you have a really bad day and when you are trying to take a test you just become an emotional reck, you just can't focus.
you try to get help, but just can't take it.
it sucks, and you bomb the test.

how about instead of feeling sorry for yourself and wonderin' why the hell you did it.
well, hell it's already happened.
let's stop being foolish and understand you can't change something you did, or said, or whatever.
so, think...
what's the next step.
and in the case i just said.

get the courage,
[it's goood to be scared, that gives you all a more reason to do anything.
to learn how to make it more easy, to learn how to just just live with less difficulty, to learn how to make things easier.]
walk up to the teacher, say straight up what happened, and ask for another chance.

the worst she can say is no.
the best she can do is let you do it.
then, if she did let you finish it you'd feel so much better about what you did before, and even feel accomplished in more ways than one.

& if she said no, you gained no more than you had before.
alittle more hard to overcome.
hey, at least you tried to fix a mistake that happened.

don't be scared,

and listen when people talk.

they might acutally have something goooood to say.

& asking for help is such a great thing to learn.

ha, just sayin'.

inspired by carla.

love to ya.

God bless

Monday, April 27, 2009


maureen, sweeeet cheeks, lovely lady, adopted mother...

i love you, OH SO MUCH!
thanks for walking into my life, and becoming such a BIG part of my life.
you are soooo sweet and beautiful.

my prayers are going up for you at this time in need.

you are beautiful, strong and so deserving.

i love you.

billie jo



things happen
other things happen.

change is always occurring, as is direction.

you may be a little squirt always living the life you knew you would, until one day everything changes, and your direction is opposite, upside down, and completely unexpected of where you figured you were going to be.

however, it does happen.

you may want something so bad, an may succeed, but that doesn't mean your going to get there exactly how you planed.

you may trip, you may fall, you may skip too much ahead of yourself.

& as of that moment directions changes.

you may NOT be happy with it, at the time.


take it as a positive situation, and dig deep into to embrace the new direction.
it'll end you up where your suppose to be one day.

& hey, if you decided you honestly don't like the direction you've taken, you can always turn around and go back...


just a thought.
inspired by c.fogarty.

love to you ALL

God bless


i will scream at the top of my lungs.

God is gooood.

as many of you may know or seen me in the action i pray everyday at 3:16.
yes, i pray more than that, but no matter where i am, who i'm with, what i'm doing i stop and pray. [long story of to why that is]

anywhooo, today i prayed a little prayer that if possible a smile could be brought my way...
and my word did it become answered.

a friend i have been distant to for quite some time popped in. we hugged, talked and shared some part of the afternoon together.

it was goood, and i am thankful.

the Lord works wonders in my life, even those little prayers that are answered make me such a happy girl.

love to you ALL

God bless ya.
all i wanna taste is sweet sunshine.
i wanna hold ya hand tight and listen to the words spoke in our silence.
all i wanna know is that love is alive.
i wanna take ya back to your younger years.
all i wanna do is make memories.
i wanna provoke beauty between the two of us, old souls and young hearts.

all i wanna do is know that this is able to come true.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

poem i wrote about my day

the moment where the sun starts to disappear drastically.

the tender touch of gentle non rehearsed music brushes my ear.

the wind blows softly, not enough to make chills, just enough to send the sent of flowers briskly browsing.

the fragile feeling of my heart jump as desire creeps.

the louder beats of the acoustic hit heatedly.

the stopping stand towards my destination.

the need to be hidden is profoundly pondering.

the tree thrusts an image of my fright.

the way thumps hit the hard gravely ground.

the clutches climb my weight higher as the music precedes with more visible melody.

the sight is hidden, but there is precise peace.

the branches brake outward as my smile grows and the sound intrudes.

the time comes where the sun is no longer sightly seen.

the watched walk home is my answer to not being alone.

the beats increase, steps are followed and acoustic admires.

oh my photos

i'm one

i'm one to not say never, unless i'm sure enough to say it twice...

so, to YOU!

no matter what is happening in life.
how great things are, how perfect you wish they were...
there are always going to be bad times.
some better than others, and of course the good always follows.

however, some situations have to do with other people,
and the way they involved with you to make you feel like crap.
in some way they said something, did something, stabbed you in the back,
looked at you and you end up thinking it's your fault.

it's NOT!

don't let someone make you think twice about you.
they are not the ones who have to live your life, the one who has to look in the mirror and see what is there.
only you can do that.

& to let someone come in and try and break you, is just awful.

even if it's a best friend.who's giving you criticism, take it, use it to your advantage, but don't let yourself fall.

or a boyfriend who found something that ticks him off, just take it as something you need to work on, but DONT BE SO HARD ON's not your fault.

or a parent who always make you mad with actions they take.THAT'S THEM NOT YOU!

because you are YOU and that's who you need to worry about and BELIEVE in.
you have to live your life.not them.dont let them put you down.
cause they can't pick you up, they can only give you a hand.
your the one who has to give the effort to stand.

so, please...

never NEVER think it's always your fault, cause if you do...your just fooling yourself.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

fan of photoshoots

"What's going on, everything okay?"
Pause. Thoughts bounce with every direction I could answer.
"It will be soon, tomorrow"
Hearing a smile
"I'm proud of you for looking at it that way..."

love you.

It is ALL up to you dear Lord.

You are so beautiful.
& I never never loose sight of that.

I want to thank You for always giving
even when all I do is take.
You love me with no matter what I do.

Thank You for that.
Thank You for it all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


you roll in.
you laugh.
you smile.
i smile.
we love.
we laugh.
we introduce.
we connect.
we love.
i learn.
i write.
i admire.
you teach.
we depend.
we worry.
we love.
we become.
i fall.
you catch.
i call.
you answer.
i hug.
you hug.
you comfort.
we share.
we talk.
you talk.
i listen.
i remember.
i talk.
you listen.
you encourage.
you teach.
i learn.
we love.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

laughable ones!


do walk in
and walk out of everyone's life.

some stay to hold your hand for the entire ride.

some come to help you up.
some come to meet a certain desire.
some come to teach lessons.
some come just to say hi.
some come because they had no where else to go.


some do always leave.

they may have been in for a short while,
or long enough that you thought the possibility of them disappearing was not an option...

is it, though.

& they may even come back...
most it's not always likely.

you may love them,
and that's the thing.

if you love someone and no matter where they go always remember how much they made you feel.
hold on to that feeling.
carry it
embrace it.

people are powerful no matter how long you've known them.

memories captured in costa rica